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Не отснятий шедевр

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Автор: любитель Markos
Дата: 02-11-05, Срд, 08:47:45
Раздел: музей
Название: Не отснятий шедевр
Описание: Something horrible tends to happen to people when they suddenly realize that the camera they hold can produce things that are pretty in and of themselves. They suddenly stop making interesting pictures -- the pictures that fill their albums, tell stories, evoke emotions, preserve memories. They go into a rictus of squeezing out endless flower macros and portraits of ducks. Eventually, as they progress in what they think of the art of photography, they may graduate to gauzy soft-focus portraits of simpering women (clothing optional), black-and-white figure studies of carefully sanitized, moodily lit nudes with perfect bodies on a black backdrop, eagles taking wing in zoos or wildlife sanctuaries, motorbikes speeding through the curves on a track, "golden hour" landscapes with mountains and water, or macros of bugs. Eventually some of them may realize the futility of it all and go into a rebellious mode and shoot off an angry series of poorly exposed grainy and blurry pictures of nothing in particular, or dress the simpering ladies in vinyl and slather lots of make-up on them and call it "fetish photography'

Petteri Sulonen
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Техника: Любая
Номинации:0  ( Художественность-0  Оригинальность-0  Техничность-0 )

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№ 1
любитель Дилетант


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любитель Dimm

Автор: Дилетант
Дата : 03-11-05, Чтв, 12:57:13

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мастер yurits


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